Evie Mag: What is Golden Penis Syndrome?

I enjoyed doing up this week's article for Evie entitled "Golden Penis Syndrome: What Is It And How Is It Affecting Your Dating Prospects?" and it received quite a bit of negative feedback which is quite telling (a whole other subject entirely for another time).

I think we can all agree there's a disparity in the sexual marketplace that's skewing towards "higher quality men'–higher quality men meaning men who have ample levels of testosterone and can perform in bed like a raging beast.

Virility is a key trait in high value men. He can lay it down in bed where many other men can't. Simple as.

But... I'll let you read the article and see if you can agree that perhaps if the majority of men were more masculine, the horny jerks wouldn't be crushing and dominating the entire sexual marketplace pickup scene.

As a dating and relationship coach, I’m very familiar with this “golden penis syndrome” phenomenon as it relates to the many young women I assist in sorting through their dating doldrums.
It goes something like this: “I met Chad. Chad is really hot and sexy. He’s super popular and so many girls like him. I slept with him and fell in love and now he’s stopped texting me. How do I get him back?”
​Meanwhile, three or four other girls are active on his phone as of 7pm, with one naked by his side and 300 more neatly filed away among several obscure messaging apps.
Through my countless hours of labor and research in helping these women reconcile their heartbreak, I’ve come to the conclusion it’s entirely impossible for women to make a comeback from this “walk of shame” blunder and regain Sir Golden Penis’ fleeting interest. Once he’s gotten his fill of unattached sex, he’s gone.
​He’s been lavished with attention, idolization, emotional investment, and finally, sex, in exchange for essentially nothing on his part — bare minimum effort with a few sparse texts, brief initial stage love-bombing, a swift top bunk liaison, and she’s left high and dry with some ghosting. This is all too commonplace.
It’s entirely impossible for women to regain Sir Golden Penis’ fleeting interest.
Yet, golden penis syndrome represents so much more than just a titillating romp with a scarce and in-demand, sexy cad. It’s the overall decline in masculinity vs. desirable men that’s driving golden penis syndrome all over the Western world.
Many have dubbed it a consequence of “The Pareto Principle” wherein the top 20% of masculine men are monopolizing detached sex with the top 80% of women. The mimetic term “alpha widow” applies here too where an unsuspecting young woman gets a night with Chad and is “ruined forever” for every other man. She’s said to have gifted him with lifelong emotional investment thus no other man will live up to her standards based on her short-lived situationship with Chad.

Click here to view the rest of the article: https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/golden-penis-syndrome-what-is-it-affecting-young-womens-dating-prospects

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