He Married Her Right After He Dumped Me - Why Didn't He Marry Me?
"They have a light bulb moment where the woman they marry is so different from the woman they didn't that they realize they are ready to commit. There was something in the woman he married that struck him hard and he felt the 'commitment bug' bite him."

There is a common, underlying theme among women who find themselves in long-term relationships in which they don't receive the ring they believe they earned and deserved in the end. These women (mistakenly) believe they earned marriage from a man by:
- Living with him for a number of years and not really questioning whether the marriage was going to happen - they just assumed and believed that it would happen "eventually"
- Not being in the better half role. Many women today are pushed by society to be a man's best friend/service dog/roommate/business partner (rather than be taken seriously as a wife) and the ring will come
- They were too nice to him. Yikes, I know that's tough to hear but there's a frequent pattern among even the most diehard single women is that they realize in the end the woman who didn't do all the things she did as a "nice girl" is the girl who got the ring
- It was a temporary relationship for him all along but he saw the long-term "wife" benefits he could exploit in the meantime and figured, "Hell, why not? She's okay for the time being and I'm getting food, maid service, sex, emotional support and companionship. Why be alone when I can get all this for nothing and at no real cost to me?"
There are a multitude of other reasons below we are going to expand on as to why he married her instead of you as modern women continue to find themselves at odds with today's culture surrounding men, marriage and commitment...