Inspiring Men Part VI: Getting Him to Commit
"I want you to think very long and very hard about this because it's 100% correct. If a man is reluctant in being fully committed to you, he absolutely, unequivocally thinks you are beneath him. Period."

Today we'll be wrapping up this "Inspiring Men" series with some final thoughts and of course, a bit of practical application on how to accomplish getting a high value man to commit.
And I'm thrilled to have come across a post written by Pat Stedman today that I found very compelling in terms of what makes a man commit. Ironically it was a bit of tea-spilling on some random manosphere trope where men string women along for years and the reasons behind why they do it.
Face it, pickme behavior is the gold standard today among women. Millions upon millions of women are hooking up, cooking up and getting shook up over men who will never be serious about them.