Red Pill Rescue Ep. 1 - Is Marriage Bad for Men and "Beta Rage"

Hi everyone, I hope you were able to tune into our very first live stream last evening with my friend Alana and myself over at the Aahana Youtube channel where we discussed the state of marriage in modern times and many other issues surrounding "beta rage." FYI, we will be doing these live streams every Wednesday evening at 7pm CST so be sure and tune in.
During last night's episode we examined the infamous murder case involving Chris Watts and the male/female dynamics leading up to the tragic killing of his pregnant wife and young children.
In trying to "debunk" red pill theory surrounding marriage, we somehow wound up agreeing with so many red pill talking points that discourage men from marriage.
Marriage is in a state of despair and it will take a radical, top-down restructuring of marriage laws, customs, cultural mores and every issue in between if we hope to preserve marriage.
It's a tough nut to crack and there's no easy way out. But I will always believe at the grassroots/organic level that marriage begins in the home–between two people who choose to honor their marriage vows and spend their lives as man and wife. It rests on masculinity and femininity and the sacred preservation of the two for both men and women to thrive and prevail in marriage.
The two-hour discussion can be found below:
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Love and Many Blessings,
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