Signs He's a Sexual Narcissist
"A guy who genuinely likes you will not get agitated or offended if you tell him no. He won't socially-isolate you, punish you and treat you like a leper if you don't grant him the sex he feels entitled to."

Narcissism is front and center to a lot of people's issues concerning their relationships in the modern age. There seems to be all types of people from all walks of life who have narcissistic tendencies. And many people who find themselves getting tangled up with a narcissist inevitably wind up hurt, used and discarded.
I spoke about "cads" today on Instagram and the term "cad" itself is archaic and is no longer part of mainstream discourse in terms of referencing men who are up to no good when it comes to women. And the term "f*ckboy" has eclipsed "cad" and has made the rounds the last decade or so in terms of men who get around.
They used to call them "man whores" in my day and they're likely still referred to as such in certain old people circles. The term "cad" came along well before even my time and someone pointed out that in the film "Lady and the Tramp," the term was peppered throughout the dialogue.