The Do's and Don'ts of Getting Married - Is He/She Right for You?
"For instance, if you're honest, you're not going to take warmly to being with a liar. If you're punctual, you're not going to have a patience for someone who is habitually late. If you're a spendthrift, your mate may think of that as an undue burden rather than a simple character flaw."

Had a great AMA chat in the forum Saturday night where a young lady who's an avid reader here suggested an article on how to approach marriage on the straight and narrow path. And today we're going to discuss how you can determine if a person is suitable for marriage.
First and foremost, I'm not going to pretend to model my own marriage as an "ideal" to aspire to considering it was a type of storybook romance that statistically happens to no one.
My husband proposed to me the day we met and we were married a month later. Again, this is NOT something that's very common if it even happens at all. It was a stroke of sheer luck and fate that I even found my husband and our circumstances created the perfect storm of chemistry + compatibility in every possible way + the same vision for the future.